

      資料分類:美術論文 上傳會員:小時代 更新時間:2013-08-28
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      Abstract:Modelling is art, the core of learning art, is cannot leave modelling ability the enhancement. This thesis mainly view note is 10 to 14 years of age characteristics of children's art education, and they met in the painting on modelling some problems and solving methods. Children between the ages of 10 and 14 from children grow up for the transition period, is young adult society by children's world to move important transitional phase, is also preparing and children's art education by the domestic and international called the "crisis period", or a child's "turning point". 

      This one phase of children in education in art paintings on modelling performance is: on the one hand is hoping to depict the thing, more realistic, they deny ever more image scale, exaggeration, not true child draws painting method and observation methods; On the other hand, lack of scientific observation methods and training, painting skills can't keep up with, so I'm not a very good painter, draw for doesn't look like and produce the fear they will eventually lead to emotional, the period of the painting graffiti interest and enthusiasm transfer to other aspects, probably lose interest in painting, cannot be an all-round development of students. So children can be successfully through turning point, the key lies in education by the turning point. If the teaching method is proper, so turning point will be children grasp the basic knowledge and skills painting the best period. To offer "children drawing modelling courses", targeted use of suitable for this period of training methods, children can ease the transition period of contradiction, also improve their model ability help Painting.

      Key word: Turning point  Art education  Painting modelling methods


      上傳會員 小時代 對本文的描述:兒童能否順利渡過轉折期,關鍵在于轉折期所受的教育。如果教學方法得當,那么轉折期將是兒童掌握繪畫基本知識和基本技能的最好時期。開設“少兒繪畫造型訓練班”,有針對性的......
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