

      資料分類:美術論文 上傳會員:武哥 更新時間:2016-01-13
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      關鍵詞:內蒙印象; 塞北文化; 版畫語言 ; 絕版套色


      ABSTRACT:In the inner parts of 2009, make me, until now recalled the dribs and drabs, can let me have a sense of creative impulses. The Inner Mongolia. Autumn is one of them, because of the various characteristics, to print the detailed depiction of the memory of my inner, as the details of the roughly, demanding, leave a impression. Summarize and refining itself is an important language expression of engraving aesthetic characteristics, in composition, plate-making, printing process, I have been striving to be impressed by etching language complete inner.


      Keywords: Inner Mongolia impression ;Herdsmen culture;Etching language;Out of print adjustment 

      上傳會員 武哥 對本文的描述:要想運用版畫語言對塞北印象進行準確的表達,對塞北文化的探究是不可缺少的,而揭開塞北文化面紗的捷徑便是盛唐邊塞詩。邊塞詩是唐代詩歌的主要題材,是唐詩當中思想性最深刻......
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