

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:英語老師 更新時間:2013-06-16
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      On English Translation of the Numeral in Classical Chinese Poetry from the Perspective of Reception Theory



      摘 要



          論文致力于從接受理論的角度,探討詩詞中數詞翻譯的策略。文章第一章為引言,第二章首先探討了接受理論和詩詞中模糊數詞的特點,進而討論了翻譯中應考慮的幾個參數因子。第三章則是詩詞翻譯的個例分析,并在各種譯本的基礎上,筆者提出了自己的譯文。第四章則探討了詩詞翻譯的策略問題。著重從直譯,異化和歸化的角度探討了翻譯方法。 通過具體例子的分析,第五章得出結論,歸化,異化,和直譯都適用于含有數詞的詩詞翻譯。從接受理論角度來說,譯者需要考慮讀者接受度,文本特點,作者風格等因素。 


      關鍵詞:古漢詩;模糊數詞翻譯;接受理論; 歸化; 異化



         Once the numerals step into the poetry, the special cultural connotations will be attached to them. There are lots of numerals in classical Chinese poetry. The fuzziness of numerals contributes to the building and conveying images in the poetry. Numerals in classical Chinese poetry employ devices such as hyperbole and parallelism and make the poems more vivid. Numerals are culture-loaded. So it is hard for readers to understand poetic numerals and difficult for translators to translate them. In order to reproduce the beauty of the classical Chinese poetry, the translators should truly understand the connotation of the numerals. Classical Chinese poetry is full of charm. It is of great significance to translate these poems to the whole world. It helps to spread the Chinese culture overseas. The translation of numerals can not be ignored in translating poetry. It is worthwhile to study the English translation of the numerals in classical Chinese poetry.

         The thesis applies Reception Theory as the directing theory in the translating process and criticism. Reception Theory is a philosophy about the arts that recognizes the audience as an essential element in the creative process. Whether a version is good or not depends on whether the reader is satisfied with or understands the version. Translators must truly understand the connotation of the source text and the differences between two cultures so that he can make his version understandable and keep the original beauty.

         The thesis discusses the translation strategies from the prospective of Reception Theory. Chapter one is the introduction of the thesis. Chapter Two introduces the Reception Theory and the relationship between numerals in classical Chinese poetry and Reception Theory. Furthermore it discusses the parameters that should be taken into consideration in translating process and the fuzziness of numeral in the light of Reception Theory. Chapter Three is the case study of English translation of numerals in classical Chinese poetry and the appreciation or criticism of several translations. Chapter Four is about translation strategies: foreignization, domestication and literal translation. Some examples can be found in this chapter. Chapter Five is the conclusion. The thesis comes to a conclusion that, foreignization, domestication and literal translation can be used in the translating process. Translators should employ different strategies in different situations according to the characteristics of the text, the style of the author, and of course the most important factor——whether the target readers can understand and accept it or not.


      Key words: classical Chinese poetry; translation of fuzzy numeral; Reception Theory; domestication; foreignization; literal translation




      上傳會員 英語老師 對本文的描述:The thesis applies Reception Theory as the directing theory in the translating process and criticism. Reception Theory is a philosophy about the arts that recognizes the audience as an essential element in the creative process. Whether a ver......
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