

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      With the continuous development of market economy and the expansion of opening to the outside world, more and more enterprises participate in the international competition.The United States is China's largest trading partner.In the process of international trade with the United States, business negotiations are inevitable.Nowadays, business negotiation between China and the United States is becoming more and more frequent, and one of the most important factors that affect the success or failure of negotiation is the difference of negotiation linguistic strategies caused by the differences of thinking modes.

      Based on the background of economic globalization, the thesis tries to explore the different mode of thinking in Sino US business negotiations based on the background of economic globalization with the foundation of Business Linguistics.With the different mode of thinking and negotiation language strategy as the breakthrough point, this paper analyzes the language strategies of the Sino US business negotiation and the processing methods and coping skills of the differences arising from the differences of thinking modes.So as to provide help for the smooth progress of Sino US business negotiations and also to provide negotiation reference for Chinese enterprises in cross-border investment, trading, acquisitions and other activities.

      Key words: Economic globalization  Sino US business negotiation  Different mode of thinking  Linguistic strategies






      Chapter One    Introduction-1

      1.1 Background-1

      1.2 Significance-2

      Chapter Two    Literature Review-5

      2.1 Relevant Studies of the Difference of Thinking Modes Abroad-5

      2.2 Relevant Studies of the Difference of Thinking Modes Domestic-7

      2.3 Relevant Studies of Negotiation Strategies Abroad-8

      2.4 Relevant Studies of Negotiation Strategies Domestic-10

      Chapter Three    Different Modes of Thinking and Linguistic Strategies of Sino US Business Negotiations-12

      3.1 A Brief Analysis on Linguistic Strategies of Sino US Business Negotiation and the Perspective of Different Modes of Thinking-12

      3.2 Contrast between the Perpective of Different Modes of Thinking and Linguistic Strategies of Sino US Business Negotiation-13

      3.3 How the Perspective of Different Modes of Thinking and Linguistic Strategies Affect in Negotiation Process-14

      Chapter Four    Conclusion-18


      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本論文以商務語言學為切入點,擬以經濟全球化為背景,以商務語言學為基礎為基礎,探究在中美商務談判中所面臨的思維方式差異問題。以思維方式差異和談判的語言策略兩方面為切......
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