

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Significance of This Study-1

      1.2 Structure of This Thesis-1

      Chapter Two Literature Review-2

      2.1 Previous Studies on Advertising Translation Abroad-2

      2.2 Previous Studies on Advertising Translation at Home-2

      2.3 A Brief Introduction to Skopos Theory-3

      2.3.1 The Skopos Rule-3

      2.3.2 The Coherence Rule-3

      2.3.3 The Fidelity Rule-3

      Chapter Three Linguistic Features and Translation Strategies of Auto Advertisements-5

      3.1 Writing Devices Employed in Auto Advertisements-5

      3.1.1 Metaphor-5

      3.1.2 Pun-5

      3.1.3 Hyperbole-6

      3.1.4 Personification-6

      3.2 Syntactic Features of Auto Advertisements-7

      3.2.1 Imperative Sentences-7

      3.2.2 Questions-7

      3.2.3 More Simple Sentences-8

      3.3 Translation Strategies Employed in Translating Auto Advertisements-8

      3.3.1 Transliteration-8

      3.3.2 Free Translation-9

      3.3.3 Transformation-9

      Chapter Four Conclusion-11




      Good auto advertisements can help auto manufacturers establish a good image and increase the reputation of the brand, which is an important step to enter the international markets. However, owing to the special translation purpose of auto advertisement, the traditional translation criteria can not be applied on all occasions, and there are no widely accepted principles used to guide the translation of auto advertisements, which result in various mistakes seriously affecting the image of the brand and interests of enterprises. Skopos Theory defines the translation from a new perspective, breaking the shackles of the traditional equivalence theory. Setting the original purpose in the first place, Skopos Theory puts an emphasis on mutual function of the translator, text and receptor in the translation process, which is of positive significance in guiding the translation of auto advertisements. 

      The purpose of this thesis is to explore the translation of auto advertisements from the perspective of Skopos Theory so as to find appropriate translation strategies to guide and improve the quality of the translation of auto advertisements, which is of far-reaching significance to form a good image of auto brands and enlarge the overseas markets.

      Keywords:  Skopos theory  auto advertisement  translation strategies

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:由于汽車廣告語翻譯目的的特殊性,傳統的翻譯標準已不可能完全適用,汽車廣告語的翻譯缺乏統一的翻譯原則指導,譯文錯漏百出,嚴重影響了品牌的形象和企業的利益。功能目的論......
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