

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 The Scope of the Study-1

      1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study-1

      1.3 The Structure of the Thesis-1

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 The Studies of Person Deixis-3

      2.2 The Studies of Person Deixis in the Legal Setting-3

      Chapter Three Analysis on Person Deixis Translation in Legal Texts-4

      3.1 The Utilization of Person Deixis in English Legal Language-4

      3.2 Translation of Person Deixis in Legal Language-5

      3.2.1 Total Equivalence-5

      3.2.2 Partial Equivalence-5

      3.3 Principles in Translating Person Deixis in Legal Language-7

      3.3.1 Being Accurate and Precise-7

      3.3.2 Being Identical-7

      3.3.3 Being Clear and Concise-8

      3.3.4 Being Professional-8

      3.3.5 Being Standard-9

      3.3.6 Integrity-9

      Chapter Four Conclusion-11

      4.1 Findings of the Study-11

      4.2 Limitations and Suggestions of the Study-11




      The word “deixis” is borrowed from Greek, which means guidance and mark. It is the common phenomenon that deixis is used on various occasions in human life. Besides,deixis is a significant part of the pragmatics theory, in which it means reference. Several theories are employed to analyze the use of deixis in literature and daily discourse. Only few scholars have paid attention to the E-C translation of person deixis in legal texts.

      There are different characteristics of person deixis in Chinese and English, the reason of which lies in the fact that these two languages are featured by different expressive habits. The thesis explores the definition, nature and function of person deixis, its use in legal texts and summarizes the translation norms of person deixis.

      The thesis includes four chapters. Chapter one is an introduction. Chapter two is about literature review. Chapter three is to explore the features of person deixis in legal texts, the translation of person deixis, and the norms of translating person deixis in English legal texts. Chapter four draws a conclusion, in which the findings and the deficiency of the study of person deixis are discussed in the thesis.   

      Key words: person deixis  legal text  translation  

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文共分為四章,第一章是導語,第二章為文獻綜述,第三章從翻譯的角度,通過具體例證分析,總結人稱指示語的特點、翻譯及翻譯規范。第四章總結本文對人稱指示語的研究發現及......
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