

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Definition of Conceptual Metaphor-1

      1.2 Reasons for the Study-1

      1.3 Significance of the Study-1

      1.4 Structure of the Thesis-2

      Chapter Two Previous Studies on Animal Metaphors-3

      2.1 Cultural Differences of Animal Metaphors-3

      2.2 Translation of Animal Metaphors-3

      2.3 Cognitive Study on Animal Metaphors-3

      Chapter Three Animal Metaphors in English and Chinese-5

      3.1 Animal Metaphors in English-5

      3.1.1 Metaphors about “pig” in English-5

      3.1.2 Metaphors about “sheep” in English-5

      3.1.3 Metaphors about “dog” in English-6

      3.1.4 Metaphors about “owl” in English-6

      3.1.5 Metaphors about “dragon” in English-6

      3.2 Animal Metaphors in Chinese-6

      3.2.1 Metaphors about “pig” in Chinese-6

      3.2.2 Metaphors about “sheep” in Chinese-6

      3.2.3 Metaphors about “dog” in Chinese-7

      3.2.4 Metaphors about “owl” in Chinese-7

      3.2.5 Metaphors about “dragon” in Chinese-7

      3.3 Comparison of English and Chinese Animal Metaphors-7

      3.3.1 Same Animal with Same Meaning-7

      3.3.2 Same Animal with Different Meanings-8

      3.3.3 Different Animals with Same Meaning-9

      3.4 Causes of the Similarities and Differences-9

      3.4.1 Causes of the Similarities-9

      3.4.2 Causes of the Differences-9

      Chapter Four Conclusion-11

      4.1 Achievements-11

      4.2 Limitations-11




      Previous studies on animal metaphors in English and Chinese were mainly from the perspectives of cultural differences, cognition and translation, and few touched their comparison. Based on the theory of conceptual metaphor, the thesis makes a comparative analysis of English and Chinese animal metaphors. This study shows that conceptual metaphor HUMAN IS ANIMAL exists in both English and Chinese. Because of cultural universality and particularity, animal metaphors have similarities and differences in activities of people from both cultures. The study is important for the research of conceptual metaphor HUMAN IS ANIMAL, and also helps to understand animal metaphors further.


      Keywords: conceptual metaphor  English and Chinese animal metaphors  comparison  causes

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本論文基于概念隱喻,對比分析了英漢語中的動物隱喻以及動物隱喻異同的原因。研究表明,由于認知的普遍性和文化的差異性,“人是動物”這一概念隱喻普遍存在于英漢語中,并以......
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