

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Background of the Study-1

      1.2 Previous Study of cosmetic brand names in China-1

      1.3 Structure of the Thesis-2

      Chapter Two Theoretical Basis—Relevance Theory-3

      2.1 The Origin of Relevance Theory-3

      2.2 The Formulation and Improvement of Relevance Theory-3

      2.3 Application of Relevance Theory to Translation-4

      Chapter Three Translation Principles of Cosmetic Brand Names-5

      3.1 Highlighting the Properties and Advantages of Cosmetics-5

      3.2 Reflecting the Distinctively Creative Thinking Mode-5

      3.3 Taking Cultural Differences into Consideration-6

      3.4 Complying with Psychologies of Consumers-6

      Chapter Four Translation Strategies of Cosmetic Brand Names-7

      4.1 Transliteration-7

      4.2 Literal Translation-8

      4.3 Liberal Translation-8

      Chapter Five Conclusion-10




      Brand, a mark used by managers to distinguish their goods or services, is the intangible asset of an enterprise, symbolizing core culture, conveying business information and enhancing the corporate image. As cognition of the products in the minds of consumers, brand , achieving its aim of publicity by the carrier of its name (brand recognition text). Its promotion in the international market mainly relies on the brand name translation. With the accelerated growth of economic globalization, international trades are gradually increasing, many famous international cosmetics have settled in China, accounting for a broad and stable market. Therefore, the translation of cosmetic brand names has been raised to new heights. The author think that relevance theory, in the virtue of optimal relevance, takes the function of cosmetic brand name itself and different interpretations from different people into good consideration, at the same time, having regard to the cognitive environment of source language writer and target language receiver, hence, having a positive effect on the area of cosmetic brand names translation.


      Keywords: cosmetic brand names  relevance theory  translation strategies

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:隨著經濟全球化的不斷深化,國際貿易逐漸增多,眾多國際知名化妝品紛紛落戶中國,占據了廣泛而穩固的市場,化妝品商標的翻譯也被提升到新的高度。本文認為,關聯理論能夠很好......
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