

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Definition of Language Transfer-1

      1.2 Reasons for the Study-1

      1.3 Significance of the Study-2

      1.4 Structure of This Thesis-2

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 Negative Transfer of Foreign Dialects to the Acquisition of English Pronunciation-3

      2.2 Negative Transfer of Chinese Dialects to the Acquisition of English Pronunciation-3

      Chapter Three Methodology-4

      3.1 Subjects of the Study-4

      3.2 Method-4

      3.3 Purposes of the Survey-4

      Chapter Four Negative Transfer of Luohe Dialect to the Acquisition of English Pronunciation-6

      4.1 Negative Transfer to Consonants-6

      4.2 Negative Transfer to Vowels-7

      4.2.1 Negative Transfer to Monophthongs-7

      4.2.2 Negative Transfer to Diphthongs-8

      4.3 Negative transfer to Suprasegmental Features-8

      4.3.1 Negative transfer to stress and rhythm-8

      4.3.2 Negative Transfer to Intonation-8

      4.4 Suggestions-9

      Chapter Five Conclusion-11

      5.1 Achievements-11

      5.2 Limitations and suggestions for future study-11





      Previous studies on negative transfer to the acquisition of English pronunciation mainly focused on Sichuan dialect, Cantonese and Guilin dialect which are used by a large number of people, and few discussed the negative transfer of Luohe Dialect to the acquisition of English pronunciation. This thesis, based on recording, explains negative transfer of Luohe Dialect to the acquisition of English pronunciation from the aspects of consonants, vowels, and suprasegmental features. It shows that Luohe natives use /s/ /z/ /w/ to replace /t?/ /d?/ and /v/ which are missing in Luohe dialect, such vowels as /æ/ /e/ /?/ /ai/ and /au/ are usually pronounced the same; intonation in Luohe dialect, at the most part, is always falling so as to the natives speak English without rising and falling which sounds very strange.

      This thesis broadens the studying scope of negative transfer of dialects to the acquisition of English pronunciation. And it is beneficial for people with Luohe dialect to overcome the interference of the negative transfer and acquire sound English pronunciation.


      Keywords:  English phonetics  Luohe dialect  phonetic acquisition  negative transfer 

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文采用錄音調查的研究方法,從輔音、元音和超音段特征三個方面說明漯河方言對英語語音習得過程中的負遷移作用。研究表明,操漯河方言的英語學習者傾向于用/s/ /z/ /w/代替英語輔......
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