

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Definition of English News Headlines-1

      1.2 Reasons for and Significance of the Study-1

      1.3 Structure of the Thesis-1

      Chapter Two Literature Review-2

      2.1 Stylistic Features of News Headlines-2

      2.2 Functions of News Headlines-2

      2.3 Translating Techniques of News Headlines-3

      Chapter Three Theoretical Framework-4

      3.1 Definition of Intertextuality-4

      3.2 Classification of Intertextuality-4

      3.2.1 Specific Intertextuality-5

      3.2.2 Generic Intertextuality-5

      3.2.3 Cultural Intertextuality-6

      Chapter Four Intertextuality in English News Headlines-7

      4.1 Specific Intertextuality-7

      4.1.1 Citation-7

      4.1.2 Allusion-8

      4.1.3 Parody-9

      4.2 Generic Intertextuality-9

      4.3 Cultural Intertextuality-10

      Chapter Five Conclusion-12

      5.1 Major Findings-12

      5.2 Limitations and further suggestions-12





      Previous studies on English news headlines mainly focused on features, functions and translating techniques, and study on English news headlines from the perspective of intertextuality is not too much. This thesis attempts to explore news headline from a perspective of intertextuality. This research shows that specific intertextuality, generic intertextuality and culture intertextuality are involved in English news headlines.

       The study on intertextuality in English news headlines can enrich the application of intertextuality and helps people to appreciate this kind of text. This thesis is also an attempt to  offer help for news editors to create news headlines and for readers to understand the meaning of the news headlines.


      Keywords: English news headlines  Genric Intertextuality  Specific Intertextuality  Cultural intertextuality

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:對英語新聞標題已有的研究主要集中在文體特征、功能和翻譯策略的研究,從互文性角度對英語新聞標題的研究還不多。本論文試圖從互文性視角研究新聞標題。研究表明,英語新聞標......
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