

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Background-1

      1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study-1

      1.3 Organization of the Thesis-1

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 Previous Studies of Wh-questions-3

      2.1.1 Wh-questions in English-3

      2.1.2 Wh-questions in Chinese-4

      2.2 Previous Studies of WH-movement-5

      Chapter Three Theoretical Framework and Methodology-7

      3.1 Brief Introduction to TG Grammar-7

      3.2 The Main Concepts and Methods of TG Grammar-7

      Chapter Four Contrastive Study of WH-movement Between E&C from the Perspective of TG Grammar-10

      4.1 Contrastive Study of WH-movement in English and Chinese-10

      4.1.1 WH-movement in English-10

      4.1.2 LF-movement in Chinese-11

      4.1.3 Overt WH-movement vs. Covert LF-movement-13

      4.2 Grammatical Mechanism of WH-movement and Wh-in-situ-14

      4.2.1 Logical Scope-14

      4.2.2 Morphology-16

      Chapter Five Conclusion-19

      5.1 Major Findings-19

      5.2 Limitations of the Research-19





      The word order of a language is not only related to syntactic structure description, but also related to its expression, its understanding, and its characteristics. Due to the differences between English and Chinese on the expression habits, some components need to be put forward or backward in order to satisfy the needs of expression. And a movement in use is particularly common in English and Chinese special questions. It is very common to go against traditional rules and change word orders in the sentence to highlight and emphasize the important words. English wh-questions resort to overt WH-movement. However, Chinese specific questions are regard as the covert LF-movement. We need to use it with a comprehensive and correct understanding. 

      But due to the differences in English and Chinese languages, an interrogative word shows different syntactic characteristics in English and Chinese. To make certain why the interrogative movement has different ways in parameter setting; and in different languages, how the interrogative movement is achieved, which are quite important questions for our further study. Therefore, it is very helpful to begin a contrastive analysis on word orders in all kind of languages for our further study about the universalities and individualities in different languages. 

      The contrastive study on English wh-movement and Chinese wh-in-situ in this thesis is carried out within the framework of TG Grammar. There are five parts in my thesis. Chapter One is an introduction, mainly about the background, purpose, significance and organization of this thesis. Chapter Two is a literature review, including some basic and simple concepts and theories. Chapter Three presents the theoretical framework and methodology. Chapter Four is the main body of this thesis with a contrastive analysis on wh-questions movement between English and Chinese from the perspective of TG grammar. The last chapter is a conclusion, including the major findings, and research limitations.


      Key words: wh-questions  overt WH-movement  covert LF-movement

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文是在轉換生成語法的理論框架下討論英語疑問詞移位和漢語疑問詞原位這兩類現象在邏輯域和詞形上的差異。本論文由五個部分組成:第一章是介紹簡要描述的背景、目的、意義和......
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