

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Background of the Study-1

      1.2 Significance of the Study-1

      1.3 Structure of the Thesis-2

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 Definition of Idiom-3

      2.2 Origin of Animal Idiom-3

      2.3 Previous Studies on Animal Idiom-4

      2.4 Interrelation between Culture and Animal Idiom-5

      Chapter Three The Similarities and Differences of Connotations between Chinese Animal Idioms and English Animal Idioms-6

      3.1 The Similarities-6

      3.1.1 Pig-6

      3.1.2 Fox-6

      3.1.3 Chicken-7

      3.1.4 Rat-7

      3.2 The Differences-7

      3.2.1 Cat-8

      3.2.2 Dog-8

      3.2.3 Cow-9

      3.2.4 Dragon-9

      3.3 The Reasons for Differences in Cultural Connotations-10

      3.3.1 Historical Influence-10

      3.3.2 Religious Influence-10

      3.3.3 Geographical Environment Influence-10

      Chapter Four Conclusion-12





      With the rapid economic development of globalization, communication around the world is getting frequent. And the language of English has been an important tool for international communication, the employment of which is increasingly flexible, for example, more and more speakers are communicating by idioms now. As a special form of language as well as an indispensable part of language, idiom is the body carrying culture, and reflects the influence from culture. Based on the examples of animal idioms which are translated frequently, this thesis analyzes and elaborates the similarities and differences of cultural connotations conveyed by Chinese and English animal idioms from the perspective of cross-culture, which also reveals the importance of cross-cultural knowledge in making a comparison between English and Chinese animal idioms.


      Key Words:   animal idioms  cross-culture  cultural connotations

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:習語是一種特殊形式的語言,也是語言文化中的一個重要組成部分。它是文化的特殊載體,也體現出文化對語言的影響。論文以翻譯中出現頻率較高的動物習語為例,從跨文化的角度分......
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