

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-22
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      Chapter One Introduction1

      1.1 Introduction to Michael Morpurgo-1

      1.2 Introduction to War Horse-2

      1.3 Literature Review-3

      1.4 Structure of the Thesis-3

      Chapter Two Symbolism-5

      2.1 Definition of Symbolism-5

      2.2 Its Origin and Development-5

      2.3 Its features.6

      ChapterThree Analysis of Symbolism in War Horse-8

      3.1 Symbolic Meanings of the Characters in War Horse8

      3.1.1 Albert Narracott-8

         3.1.2 Ted Narracott8

         3.1.3 Friedrich .9

         3.1.4 Joey.9

       3.2 Symbolic Meanings of the Objects in War Horse.9

         3.2.1 The Iron Cross9

         3.2.2 Whip10

       3.3 Symbolic Meanings of the Plots in War Horse11

         3.3.1 The Plot of forcibly taking Horses from Emilie.11

         3.3.2 The Plot of Saving Joey11

      Chapter Four Significance of Symbolism in War Horse13

       4.1 Portraying Characters13

       4.2 Deepening the War Theme.13

      Chapter Five Conclusion.15   





      Published in 1982, War Horse is a great novel written by the English author Michael Morpurgo. It is a story of a horse Joey and his master Albert, who depart and meet each other again. The novel employs symbolism representing the cruelty of war as well as humanity. 

          Based on the former studies, this thesis will make a study on the symbolism in War Horse and reveal the deep thoughts of the author and the anti-war theme of the work through an analysis of the symbolism of the characters, the objects and the plots. 


      Keywords: Michael Morpurgo  War Horse  symbolism

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:《戰馬》出版于1982年,是英國桂冠作家麥克·莫波格的代表作,小說講述了第一次世界大戰時期,一匹名為喬伊的馬與主人分離又重逢的故事。故事中有許多具有象征意義的細節展現了......
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