

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-22
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 The Background and Significance of the Study-1

      1.2 The Objective of the Study-1

      1.3 The Structure of the Thesis-2

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 Previous Studies on Skopos Theory-3

      2.1.1 General Introduction to Skopos Theory-3

      2.1.2 Basic Rules-3

      2.2 Previous Studies on the Translation of Trademarks-4

      2.2.1 Previous Studies on the Translation of Trademarks in China-4

      2.2.2 Previous Studies on the Translation of Trademarks Abroad-5

      Chapter Three Translation of Trademarks of Infant-child Products-6

      3.1 Introduction of Trademarks-6

      3.1.1 Definition of Trademarks-6

      3.1.2 Formation of Trademarks-6

      3.1.3 Characteristics of Trademarks-7

      3.2 Strategies Employed Under the Guidance of Skopos Theory-8

      3.2.1 Literal Translation-8

      3.2.2 Transliteration-9

      3.2.3 Free Translation-9

      3.2.4 Transliteration and Free Translation-10

      Chapter Four Conclusion-11





      With the advancement of economic globalization, the sale of imported infant-child products increases every day and the competition becomes increasingly fierce. More and more manufacturers have realized this problem. If a brand wants to be accepted by consumers from different countries of the world, accurate and appropriate translation of product trademarks is of great importance, for a trademark with melodious sound and good meaning plays a very important role in improving the sale of infant-child products. 

      Under the guidance of the Skopos theory, this thesis focuses on trademarks of infant-child products as the main object, discusses the several strategies employed in translating such trademarks so to normalize the translation of them.

      Keywords:  Skopos theory  infant-child products  translation strategy of Trademarks  

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文以嬰幼兒產品的商標為研究對象,以功能目的論為理論指導,探討嬰幼兒用品商標翻譯中的幾種常用策略,以助于嬰幼兒用品商標的翻譯規范化。......
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