

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-22
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

        1.1 Introduction to Frank Darabont-1

        1.2 Introduction to The Shawshank Redemption-1

        1.3 Research Status of The Shawshank Redemption-2

        1.4 Thesis Structure-3

      Chapter Two Freedom-4

        2.1 Desire for Freedom-4

        2.2 Regaining of Freedom-5

      Chapter Three Hope-7

        3.1 Disillusion of Readdressing Injustice under Judicial Corruption-7

        3.2 Reappearing of Hope-8

      Chapter Four Redemption-10

        4.1 Original Meaning of Redemption-10

        4.2 Andy’s Self-Redemption in Shawshank-10

        4.3 Others’ Redemption in Shawshank-11

      Chapter Five Conclusion-14





      Frank Darabont, as a respectable French director and screenwriter, wins the love of fans around the world for his few works as a director. The Shawshank Redemption was adapted from Stephen Edwin King’s Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption in Xiao Shan. It tells a pathetic and respectable story about a man called Andy, who was wronged into prison, wasn’t willing to be framed and succeeded to escape from prison after serving twenty years. Through the description of prison which deprives people of freedom and highly emphasizes discipline, this movie creates a series of characters with different personalities that are deeply influenced by the corrupted system. To some extent, this movie profoundly reveals the corruption and inequity of American judicial system, thus exposing various dark sides in American prisons. Andy’s persistence and desire for freedom paved the road for his own self-redemption and others’ redemption, revealing the true meaning of life and lead people to reflect.

      Most of the domestic and foreign scholars have conducted some relevant research on the film’s subtitle translation, narrative strategies, character traits, shooting techniques and cultural differences, etc. However, the study of its multiple themes lacks some comprehensive and systematic analyses. Hence, based on the previous study, this paper will focus on the plot, characters and environment to analyze the implication of its multiple themes from the perspective of freedom, hope and redemption, so as to discuss the individuals’ desire for freedom and pursuit of freedom as well as his self-redemption and the redemption of others under the corrupted system.


      Keywords: The Shawshank Redemption; freedom; hope; redemption

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:國內外學者大部分都從字幕翻譯、敘事策略、人物性格特征、拍攝手法和中西方文化差異等方面對影片加以研究,但對于其多元主題的探討還缺乏系統、全面的梳理。因此,論文將在前......
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