

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-22
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Introduction to Khaled Hosseini-1

      1.2 Introduction to A Thousand Splendid Suns-1

      1.3 Research Status of A Thousand Splendid Suns-2

      1.4 Composition of the Thesis-3

      Chapter Two Feminism-4

      2.1 Definition of Feminism-4

      2.2 Introduction to the Historical Development of Feminism-4

      Chapter Three Oppressed Women in the Patriarchal Society-6

      3.1 Oppressed Mariam in the Patriarchal Society-6

      3.1.1 Oppression from Her Father-6

      3.1.2 Oppression from Her Husband-7

      3.2 Oppressed Laila in the Patriarchal Society-8

      3.2.1 Oppression from the Society-8

      3.2.2 Oppression from Her Husband-9

      Chapter Four The Awakening of Feminist Consciousness-10

      4.1 Mariam’s Awakening of Feminist Consciousness-10

      4.2 Laila’s Awakening of Feminist Consciousness-11

      Chapter Five Conclusion-13





      Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan-American writer, gained notoriety by publishing his first novel The Kite Runner and he has attracted much attention in recent years in world literature. In 2007, the author focused the attention on Afghanistan again and brought the readers the second book A Thousand Splendid Suns. The author shows readers the hard struggle of Afghan women who are under the oppression of the war and the patriarchal society by describing two Afghan women’s miserable experiences.

      The thesis intends to interpret A Thousand Splendid Suns from the perspective of feminism. It analyses the miserable life of two Afghan women Mariam and Laila who have suffered from the oppression of the war, the poverty and the family violence under the patriarchal society. The two women establish the deep friendship and fight against the oppression from their husband and society. The thesis aims to point out that only the female band together can they achieve the freedom and independence with their constant struggle.


      Keywords:  A Thousand Splendid Suns;  Khaled Hosseini;  feminism

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文擬從女性主義視角對《燦爛千陽》進行解讀,分析兩名阿富汗婦女瑪麗雅姆和萊拉在父權制社會下所遭受的來自戰亂、貧困以及家庭暴力的壓迫。她們彼此建立起深厚的友誼,共同......
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