

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-22
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Research Background and Significance-1

      1.2 Structure of the Thesis-1

      Chapter Two Literature Review-2

      2.1 Introduction to Skopos Theory-2

      2.2 Functions of Film Titles-4

      2.3 Previous Studies on the Translation of English Film Titles-5

      Chapter Three Translation Strategies of English Film Titles in light of Skopos Theory-7

      3.1 Literal Translation-7

      3.2 Liberal Translation-7

      3.3 Transliteration-8

      Chapter Four Conclusion-10





      Film is a form of art with cultural and commercialize combined together. The reason why good film can attract many audiences is that except the actors' consummate performance, philosophical lines and bright and colorful pictures, a good film title also plays an important role. The film title is the trademark and advertisement of the film and it shows the first impression to the audience. It not only has high artistic value and aesthetic significance, but also undertake the effect of the film's publicity and marketing. The wonderful film title translation can attract more audiences, not only helps to achieve its artistic value and plays the role of cultural transmission, but also achieves its value of box office. Skopos theory provides the strong theory basis for using the translation strategy flexibly. It also gives a new perspective to the study of film title translation. Under the Skopos theory, this paper explores the translation of English film titles and hopes to provide a useful reference for the translation of English film titles.


      Keywords:  film titles;translation strategies;Skopos theory 

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:電影片名是電影的商標和廣告,是電影呈現給觀眾的第一印象,它不僅具有較高的藝術價值和審美意義,還承擔這對電影的宣傳和推銷作用。精彩的譯名可以吸引更多的觀眾,既有助于......
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