

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-22
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 The Background of the Thesis-1

      1.2 The Significance of the Thesis-1

      1.3 The Structure of the Thesis-2

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 An Introduction to Chinese-specific Political Terms-3

      2.2 Previous Studies on on C-E Translation of Chinese-specific Political Terms-3

      2.3 An Introduction to Relevance Theory-5

      Chapter Three Research on C-E Translation of Chinese-specific Political Terms in GWR from the Perspective of Relevance Theory-7

      3.1 Relevance-theoretic Principles for Translating Chinese-specific Political Terms in GWR-7

      3.1.1 The Principle of Fidelity-7

      3.1.2 The Principle of Pursing Optimal Relevance-7

      3.1.3 The Principle of Achieving Optimal Contextual Effects-8

      3.2 Relevance-theoretic Strategies of Translating Chinese-specific Political Terms in GWR-9

      3.2.1 Literal Translation-9

      3.2.2 Literal Translation Plus Annotation-9

      3.2.3 Amplification-10

      3.2.4 Free Translation-10

      Chapter Four Conclusion-12





      The “Government Work Report” contains many Chinese-specific political terms that are formed in Chinese contexts. In the translation of foreign propaganda, it plays an important role in the mutual understanding and communication bridge between China and foreign countries to enhance the quality of Chinese-specific political terms’ translation. From the perspective of Relevance Theory, this study takes the Chinese and English versions of GWR in the last seven years (2010-2016) as the corpus. And it deeply analyzes the principles and strategies of the C-E translation of Chinese-specific political terms in GWR. Translators should follow the principles of fidelity, pursing optimal relevance, and achieving optimal contextual effects, and use strategies of literal translation, literal translation plus annotation, amplification, and free translation while translating the Chinese-specific political terms. Besides, this study provides a new perspective for the study of C-E translation of Chinese-specific political terms. What’s more, it helps to improve the quality of translation of Chinese-specific political terms to make a good foreign propaganda.


      Keywords: Chinese-specific political terms  Relevance Theory  GWR  principles and strategies

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:《政府工作報告》中包含很多在中國特定語境下形成的中國特色政治術語。在外宣翻譯中,提升中國特色政治術語翻譯的質量對搭建中外相互理解和溝通的橋梁起到舉足輕重的作用。在......
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