

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-22
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      Chapter One Introduction .1

       1.1 Research Background .1

       1.2 Significance of the Research 2

       1.3 Structure of the Thesis 2

      Chapter Two Natural View Description 3

       2.1 What is Natural View.3

       2.2 Influence of Natural View on Society at That Time .3

       2.3 Natural View in Cymbeline.4

       2.4 Analysis of Imogen's Natural Intention Description5 

      Chapter Three Analysis on the Female Image Description of Imogen.6

       3.1 Imogen's Beautiful and Good Image.6

       3.2 Imogen's Rebellious and Brave Image7

       3.3 Imogen's Marginal Female Image7

       3.4 Imogen's Chaste Virgin Image.8

       3.5 Meaning of the Imogen’s Female Image.9

      Chapter Four Conclusion10

      Reference .11




      William Shakespeare's late legendary drama, Cymbeline, used a wealth of natural imagery in describing female appearance. The heroine Imogen is the most widely depicted female in the play, a kind, beautiful and brave woman who dares to pursue her love. And she is put in sharp contrast with the queen, who is a hypocritical, cruel woman, capable of any wicked means in the struggle for power.

      This thesis aims to analyze the description of female image under the natural imagery. Then with an in-depth analysis of Imogen’s female image in the play, and a comparative study with the queen’s image, the thesis aims to present Imogen’s marginal female image, which is endowed not only with traditional virtues but also with courage to challenge traditions and pursue her love, yet still unable to break the tradition barriers as confined to the times. 


      Keywords:  Shakespeare;  Imogen;  marginal female image;  natural imagery

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文從寫作背景出發,分析自然意象下對于女性形象的描述。并且深入分析伊摩琴在文中的形象,同時與王后作對比,顯示出伊摩琴既有符合傳統審美的美德,同時也敢于挑戰傳統,勇......
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