

      資料分類:醫藥學院 上傳會員:阿里夫人 更新時間:2014-12-13
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      摘 要:本研究采用史慧穎等人編制的《少數民族民族認同問卷》和《社會參與行為傾向問卷》對隨機選取的西北民族大學264名藏族大學生進行問卷調查,目的在于考察藏族大學生民族認同與其在民族沖突情境下的社會參與行為傾向之間的關系。本研究的研究結果顯示:①藏族大學生既對本民族認同又對中華民族認同,且兩者之間存在顯著正相關。②藏族大學生在性別和年級間,就“本民族認同”和“中華民族認同”兩方面都存在顯著的差異。③在民族沖突情境下,藏族大學生更傾向于選擇社會積極行為。④本民族認同和中華民族認同都與個人消極行為傾向、社會消極行為傾向呈極其顯著的負相關,都與個人積極行為傾向呈極其顯著的正相關。

      關鍵字  藏族大學生,民族認同,社會參與行為傾向


      ABSTRACT:This research used the questionnaire survey the way to approve to the Tibetan college students’ nationality with it in conflicts under the situation social participation behavior tendency relations has conducted the research.The questionnaires used the "Social Participation Questionnaire Behavioral Tendencies" and "Minority Ethnic Identity Questionnaire" establishment by Shi Huiying .The results of this study showed that: ① The Tibetan college student is tried has to this nationality and the Chinese nations the high approval, and there is a high degree of positive correlation between the two. ② Tibetan college students between gender and grade, on the "national identity" and "Chinese identity" are two significant differences. ③ In ethnic conflict situations, the Tibetan community college students tend to choose positive behavior. ④ The national identity and nation identity are associated with individual negative behavioral tendencies, negative social behavior tendencies were extremely significant negative correlation, both with active community behavioral tendencies were positively correlated, but not significant, both with individual positive behavioral tendencies were extremely significant positive related.

      Key Words:Tibetan college students,National approval,Social participation behavior tendency

      上傳會員 阿里夫人 對本文的描述:面臨著要在基本陌生的環境和在以漢文化為主流文化、以漢語為主要語言的背景中生活,是不是能處理好對中華民族和藏民族的民族認同?是不是能在面臨民族沖突的情境時采取得當的......
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