

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:julu1004 更新時間:2014-05-09
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      Abstract:This chapter introduces the working principle of LED lights and LED lamp driver IC works. In recent years, rapid development of LED lighting, has gradually spread in the automotive headlamp aspects, while the high brightness of the LED lights on the oncoming car's driver may cause the visual effect. Therefore, a good distance to control the light of the opening and closing, the market is manual control over Headlamp Light distance transform, rather this is designed to automatically change the distance at night the LED drive circuit headlights.

         This circuit is the NE555 driver chips used, the load is to use four 2.2W LED. Through the photosensitive resistor made use of the photovoltaic effect of a resistance to change with the incident light intensity of the resistor; incident light intensity, resistance decreases, the incident light weak, the principle of increasing resistance to achieve the automatic distance light transformation. Also use relay to participate in the circuit of control.

         This article is designed for the NE555 drive chip, on every pin is analyzed, and then on the photoresistor works; also on two circuit analysis and research, MAX5033 driver and vehicle automatically transforms circuit, at night the two circuits of improvement, eventually LED headlamp driving circuit.

      Keyword: LED Headlamp, NE555, photosensitive resistance

      上傳會員 julu1004 對本文的描述:車用 LED 的下一波應用趨勢將是 HBLED 車用頭燈,全球各大車廠目前積極投入 大量研發資金,今年高端車種己經推出第一款 HBLED 車用頭燈。該技術應用之所以 備受市場矚目,其主要原因......
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