

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:julu1004 更新時間:2014-05-09
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      摘要:本課題是在汽車產業快速發展的背景下提出的,詳細介紹了故障診斷儀在現代汽 車維修中的應用。

         故障診斷儀是與汽車電子控制系統進行直接交流的測試儀器。故障檢測儀通過診 斷插頭與汽車正確連接后,維修人員便可利用它監測汽車電腦控制模塊的工作,就可 以很方便地知道汽車各系統的工作情況,準確判斷故障的所在,為快速地排除故障提 供了強大的技術保障。因此許多汽車制造廠都推出汽車故障診斷儀,大大提高了汽車 維修行業的維修效率。

         本文先闡述故障診斷儀的產生和發展,引出故障診斷儀在檢修現代汽車中的重要 性。而后對故障診斷儀的基本結構和工作原理作了介紹,講述故障診斷儀檢測車輛的 特點和具有的基本檢測功能。通過對故障診斷儀功能的展開,包括讀取和清除故障碼、 數據流、示波器、元件動態測試和維修編程等功能的論述,并加以舉例,體現故障診 斷儀在現代汽車維修中的應用。最后,提出筆者在維修汽車過程中使用故障診斷儀的 技巧與心得。



      Abstract:This documentation is developed under the background of fast development in automobile industry, which introduced the application of breakdown diagnostic equipment in the modern automobile service.

         Fault  diagnostic  tester  is  a  direct  testing  equipment  connecting  to  automotive electronic control systems. When the fault diagnostic tester and the car is correctly connected through the diagnostic plug, maintenance engineer can monitor the work of the control  module  in  the  automotive  computer,  which  can  easily  reflect  the  failures  in different systems. It provides a powerful technical support to car diagnostic test. Therefore, many car manufacturers have introduced car fault diagnostic apparatus, which greatly improved the efficiency of the maintenance vehicle maintenance industry.

         By introducing the emergence and development of fault diagnostic apparatus, this article focus on the structure and working principle of the apparentus, including the basic detection characteristics of the vehicle fault diagnostic tester. Through introduction to the fault   diagnostic   function,   for   example,   read   and   clear   fault   codes,   data   stream, oscilloscopes, component testing and maintenance of dynamic programming and other functions of the discourse, the article reflects the application of failure diagnostic apparatus in the modern automobile maintenance. Finally, the author brings out his skills and experience during the maintenance of vehicle fault diagnostic at the end of the article.

      Keywords: fault diagnostic tester, fault code, data flow, waveform

      上傳會員 julu1004 對本文的描述:本文的思路主要闡述在汽車行業中故障診斷儀的產生與發展,介紹故障診斷儀的 特點,通過其功能在汽車檢修中的應用,并加以舉例,論述故障診斷儀在現代汽車維 修中的應用。最后提......
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