

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:圈圈 更新時間:2014-07-08
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      關鍵詞: 燒結礦;燒結廠;燒結;鐵礦石;造塊


      ABSTRACT:With the rapid development of iron and steel industry now, sintering process in China have made great progress, and produce natural ore mining and processing the ore powder and ore powder ore rich choose obtained after, can not directly into the furnace, in order to meet the requirements of blast furnace smelting ore, must be made with a certain size agglomeration of iron ore powder, at present there are two main ways: sintering and pelletizing. Ore obtained by the two methods are of sinters and pellets, in order to ensure the uniform iron ore of iron content in supply of blast furnace, blast furnace and ensure the permeability, the massive raw material processing output of iron concentrate into 10~25mm. This paper for sintering plant design with an annual output of 2500000 tons of sinter, process parameters, introduces the calculation of sinter, equipment selection, plant configuration in sintering plant and equipment configuration.

      Keywords:   Sinter Production;  Sintering plant;  Sinter;   Lron ore;  Made piece

      上傳會員 圈圈 對本文的描述:燒結工藝的功用遠不止是將細粒物料簡單地進行造塊,而且還對高爐原料進行必要的熱加工。在煉鐵生產中,燒結已占有相當重要的地位。全世界約有一半的生鐵是用燒結礦生產的。燒結......
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