

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:我愛小小 更新時間:2013-05-31
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      摘  要:2,6-二氟苯甲酸是一種重要的農藥,醫藥的中間體,也是比較廣泛的有機溶劑。在現代社會中運用廣泛。本設計采用的是釜的連續生產,生產的含量達到99.7%2,6-二氟苯甲酸。制取該產品,分為三個步驟進行。第一步是氟化反應,將原料2,6-二氯苯甲腈、KF和催化劑DMF在氟化釜中進行氟化反應,加熱升溫回流反應時間為7個小時左右,反應完成后在經過過濾、洗濾渣,得到2,6-二氟苯甲腈及DMF混合溶液。第二步是脫溶過程,將第一步的產物放入蒸餾釜中蒸餾,將DMF去除得到較純的2,6-二氟苯甲腈。第三步反應是水解反應,將第一步生產出的2,6-二氟苯甲腈投入水解釜中,投入20%的NaOH.,控制反應溫度在90°C,反應時間為8-9個小時。隨后加入70%的H2SO4。然后經過離心、重結晶及烘干,最后得出產品2,6-二氟苯甲酸。

      關鍵詞:2,6-二氟苯甲酸; 2,6-二氟苯甲腈; 2,6-二氯苯甲腈; 氟化鉀;



      Abstract:2,6-difluorobenzoic acid, which is widely used in modern society, is a kind intermediate of important of pesticides and pharmaceuticals, and it is also broadly seen as the organic solvent. This design selects the cauldron’s continuous production, in which the purity of 2, 6-difluorobenzoic acid may reach to 99.7%. The continuous production can be divided into three steps. The first step is the fluorination reaction: Mix the raw materials, 2, 6-dichlorobenzonitrile, KF and the catalyst DMF together in the fluorination reactor, and then heat for the refluxing reaction for about seven hours. Later after filtering and washing the residue, the mixed solution of 2, 6-difluorobenzonitrile and DMF can be received. The second step is the exsolution: Put products from the first step into the distillating reactor to distill, and then remove the DMF to get purer 2, 6-difluorobenzonitrile. The third step is the hydrolysis reaction: Put 2, 6-difluorobenzonitrile made in the first step into the hydrolysis reactor, mixed up with the 20% NaOH. Let the reaction temperature stay at 90 ℃ for about 8 to 9 hours. Subsequently join the 70% H2SO4 into the reactor. Later after the centrifugation, recrystallization and drying, we finally get the product 2, 6-difluorobenzoic acid.

      Key words:2,6-difluorobenzoic acid; 2,6 - difluorobenzonitrile; 2,6 – dichlorobenzonitrile; potassium fluoride; N,N-dimethylformamide


      上傳會員 我愛小小 對本文的描述:2,6-二氟苯甲酸是一種重要的農藥,醫藥的中間體,也是比較廣泛的有機溶劑。在現代社會中運用廣泛。本設計采用的是釜的連續生產,生產的含量達到99.7%2,6-二氟苯甲酸。制取該產品,......
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