

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:4643
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      Chapter One Introduction-3

      1.1. The Background of the Thesis-3

      1.2. The Significance of the Thesis-3

      1.3. The Organization of the Thesis-4

      Chapter Two Literature Review-5

      2.1 An Introduction to Auto Advertisement-5

      2.2 An Introduction to Pragmatic Failure-5

      2.3. Previous Studies on the Translation of Auto Advertisement-6

      Chapter Three Cross-Cultural Analysis on Pragmatic Failure Embodied in Auto Advertisement Translation

      3.1. The Pragma-linguistic Failure

      3.2. The Socio-Pragmatic Failure

      3.3. The Pragma-behavioral Failure

      Chapter Four Conclusion





      China has become the second largest market of automobiles in the world since 2007. Advertisement is a method of publicity, an important social language and social culture as well. The translation of auto advertisement between English and Chinese is a process of cross-cultural recreation. The study of auto advertisement translation is of great significance in the globalization world.

      This paper analyzes three types of cross-cultural pragmatic failures in auto advertisement translation in the aspects of pragma-linguistic failure, the socio-pragmatic failure and the pragma-behavioral failure. This paper begins with the background and significance of the thesis. Then it briefly introduces the auto advertisements and pragmatic failures. It also explores the cross-cultural pragmatic failures by analyzing examples of auto advertisements. At last, there is a conclusion. It is hoped that a new perspective can be brought to the study of pragmatic failure in translation through this paper. 

      Keywords:Auto Advertisement Translation   Cross-Cultural   Pragmatic Failure

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文從跨文化語用失誤角度分析汽車廣告語的翻譯,主要從語用語言失誤,社交語言失誤和行為語用失誤方面進行研究。文章先是討論了論文的研究背景及意義,接著主要介紹了汽車廣......
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