

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Background-1

      1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research-1

      1.3 Organization of the Thesis-1

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 China Today-3

      2.2 Study on Translation from a Perspective of Communication-3

      2.2.1 Translation of Publicity Materials-4

      2.2.2 Harold Dwight Lasswell’s 5W Model-6

      2.3 Overview of the Previous Studies-8

      Chapter Three The Analysis of China Today With 5W Model-10

      3.1 Issues of China Today with Lasswell’s 5W Model-10

      3.1.1 “To Whom” —the Core of Translation of Publicity Materials-10

      3.1.2 Feedback of Target Audience-10

      3.2 Detailed Analysis on China Today (English Version)-11

      3.2.1 The Guiding Translation Principle of China Today-11

      3.2.2 Translation Methods of China Today-12

      3.2.3 Feedback of Target Audience of China Today-16

      Chapter Four Conclusion-17

      4.1 Major Findings-17

      4.2 Limitations of the Research-17




      Translation of publicity materials, as a specialized type of translation, involves every aspect about China and Chinese issues; in turn, it does have a great impact on country’s image and international status. So far, there have achieved a positive result in this field; but limitations still exist. Most of researches often use teleology, translation or some other theories to analyze. And now, communication as a new subject comes into being, which will provide a broader vision for translators which benefits them a lot. What’s more, this will help translators regard this kind of translation as an intercultural communication in which all the factors that may affect translation will be taken into serious account. Additionally, successful C-E translation of China Today inspires us: the substance of communication is vividly reflected by the guiding principle of China Today--target-reader-centered and its translation methods—addition, deletion, recreation. This thesis will try to make a detailed analysis on translation of publicity materials from the perspective of science of communication which will help to prove that superior and applicable communication theory is good to analyze translation of publicity materials. Thus, this thesis is the complement and development of the previous studies.

      This is a four-part thesis. Firstly, it’s a brief introduction, which includes the background, the purpose, the significance and the theoretical organization of this research. Literature review comes second, which covers some information about China Today, concepts about translation of publicity materials, introduction to Lasswell’s 5W model as well as the overview of the previous studies. Chapter Three is the most important part in this thesis, which will use China Today to support the study. But this case study will mainly be analyzed through the most two significant elements which is “to Whom” and “with What effect”. The last chapter is a conclusion about the major findings and limitations of the research.


      Key words:  translation of publicity materials  communication  China Today         


      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本論文可分為四部分。第一部分是簡短介紹,其中包括本論文的研究背景、研究目的、研究意義及論文框架。第二章是文獻綜述,主要是對今日中國這本雜志的簡單介紹、對外宣翻譯和......
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