

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-20
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Background-1

      1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study-1

      1.3 Research Methods and Data Collection-2

      1.4 Organization of the Thesis-2

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 Introduction and Development of Skopos Theory-3

      2.1.1 The Development of Translation Theory-3

      2.1.2 Overview of Skopos Theory-3

      2.2 The Brand Trademark and Brand Name-4

      2.3 Previous Studies-5

      Chapter Three Study on Trademark Translation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory-7

      3.1.1 Cultural Factors-7

      3.1.2 Psychological Needs of the Target Population-8

      3.1.3 Legal Factors-9

      3.1.4 Product Features-9

      3.2 Translation Strategies and Methods-9

      3.2.1 Transliteration-10

      3.2.2 Free Translation-11

      3.2.3 Combination of Transliteration and Free Translation-11

      3.2.4 Creative Translation-12

      3.2.5 Ellipsis in Translation-12

      Chapter Four Conclusion-14

      4.1 Major Findings-14

      4.2 Limitations of the Research-14




      In order to enter the global market and expand the business home and abroad, almost all the enterprises need globally-recognized trademarks or the brand names as identities. We are posed with how to overcome the barriers between Chinese and English cultures and languages from the angle of translation and create real global brand names? This thesis discusses the brand names translation methods through the perspective of the Skopos theory by analyzing a large number of translation practice and data collected in the market, with the hope of providing some help and useful suggestions for the brand name translation practice and the creation of famous brand names in China.

      This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter One is an introduction, which mainly introduces the background, the purpose and significance of this study as well as the organization of the thesis. The second chapter is an review of the development of Skopos Theory, introduction of trademark and brand names, and previous studies. Chapter Three is the main body of this thesis, which is to examine the choice of brand name translation method, and make an analysis to explore the advantages and disadvantages of some translation examples from the perspective of Skopos theory. The fourth chapter is the conclusion. 


      Key words:  Skopos theory  brand name  trademark translation

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文共分為四章。第一章是簡介,主要介紹本文的研究背景,研究的目的與重要性以及本文的框架。第二章介紹目的論的出現和發展、商標、品牌和前人研究。第三章是論文主體部分,從......
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