

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小豬豬 更新時間:2017-11-22
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      Chapter One Introduction-1

      1.1 Background of the Study-1

      1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Research-1

      1.3 Methodology of the Research-2

      Chapter Two Literature Review-3

      2.1 A Brief Introduction to Cultural Additional Meaning-3

      2.2 Previous Study on Cultural Additional Meaning-4

      Chapter Three Research on the Cultural Additional Meaning of Automobile Brands-6

      3.1 General Introduction to Automobile Brands-6

      3.2 Analysis of Cultural Additional Meaning in Specific Automobile Brands-6

      3.2.1 Analysis of BMW’s Cultural Additional Meaning-6

      3.2.2 Analysis of Jaguar’s Cultural Additional Meaning-7

      3.2.3 Analysis of Prado’s Cultural Additional Meaning-8

      Chapter Four Conclusion-9

      4.1 Major Findings of the Study-9

      4.2 Limitations and Suggestions-9





      With the development of globalization, the economic and cultural exchanges among countries all over the world have become hot issues. As one of the ways of economic and cultural exchanges, automobile brands make it important to research on the cultural additional meanings of automobile brands. Each brand has its own cultural connotation, which not only contains the culture, but also represents a kind of national spirit. These brands vividly reflect the traditional cultures and customs. 

      Based on translations of specific foreign automobile brands, this paper further explores the cultural similarities and differences from the cross-cultural perspective, thus passing through the barrier between different languages, avoiding cultural conflicts and promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

      This paper is divided into four parts. The first part, the introduction, is about the background, the significance and purpose of the study and the methodology of the research. The second part, literature review, is a brief introduction to the cultural additional meaning, and the previous study on cultural additional meaning. The third part makes a detailed analysis of foreign automobile brand cases. The last part is a conclusion, which summarizes the major findings, points out the limitations of the study and puts forward some suggestions for further research.


      Key words: automobile brand  cultural additional meaning  cultural exchange

      上傳會員 小豬豬 對本文的描述:本文分為四個部分。第一部分闡述研究背景,指出研究的背景、目的和意義以及本文的研究方法。第二部分首先對文化附加義進行闡述,然后介紹文化附加義的研究現狀。第三部分對國......
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