

      資料分類:英語論文 上傳會員:小小青蛙 更新時間:2018-02-04
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      【Abstract】:The ESOL program is an English language course for international students and assist non-native speakers from all over the world to study in English-speaking countries. Based on the observation and analysis of the teaching characteristics of ESOL classroom in American elementary school, this paper presents a full range of American ESOL classroom status from background knowledge, theoretical framework, classroom management and classroom teaching, and briefly analyzes the ESOL classroom how to provide a new English immersive teaching model for students that have weak English foundation. The specific research contents include: 1. Background of the ESOL and the definition and relevance between ESOL& ELLs 2. ESOL teaching strategies and assessment 3. Teaching environment and bilingual education under multiculturalism 4. The features of ESOL class teaching and educational technology content.

      【Key words】: ESOL program, teaching strategies, the features of ESOL class teaching and educational technology content.





      1. Introduction-1

      1.1Background of the ESOL-2

      1.2Definition and relevance (ESOL & ELLs)-3

      2. Standards-Based Instruction-4

      2.1 ESOL learning Strategies and Activities (Let You Get to Know Your Students)-6

      2.2 ESOL program planning-9

      2.3Practicum Analysis (ESOL Classroom)-10

      3. Creating a Welcome Classroom-12

      3.1 Stages of Cultural Accommodation-13

      3.2Help ESOL Students Adjust to New Surroundings-13

      4.The Features of ESOL Class Teaching (between China and America)-14

      4.1 Lesson Plan Format-16

      4.2 Literacy Instruction-19

      4.3 Benefits of Technology Integration in English Education-21




      上傳會員 小小青蛙 對本文的描述:ESOL課程是專門教授非英語母語的國際學生的英語課程,幫助世界各國的學生順利在英語國家學習。本文通過對美國小學ESOL課堂的教學特色的實踐和分析,從ESOL課程的發展背景,結合其......
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