

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:julu1004 更新時間:2014-05-09
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      摘要:由于傳統汽車的能源和環境問題的日益突出,汽車是現代社會的重要交通工 具,為人們提供了便捷、舒適的出行服務,然而傳統燃油車輛在使用過程中產生了 大量的有害廢氣,并加劇了對不可再生石油資源的依賴。沒有環保就沒有汽車業的 未來,電動汽車以其清潔和使用可再生能源的優勢,使得對于電動汽車的研究、商 業化和產業化處于日漸重要的地位。動力驅動系統作為電動汽車的重要系統,它的 傳動效率對于電動汽車的能耗經濟性有著重要的影響。

         內燃機的發展,到今天已經相當成熟,這意味著它有一套成熟的系統、標準和 工藝。對中國的汽車工業而言,門檻很高。從經濟角度講,國內汽車企業對于中、 高端的傳統汽車技術,與其投巨資研發不如直接購買,但也就難以擺脫永遠跟在人 家后面跑的局面。

         業內人士指出,要從根本上解決中國汽車工業崛起的問題,強力推動電動汽車 發展是一條不得不走的出路。其理由是,相對于發達國家汽車工業,中國目前的劣 勢——傳統內燃機技術基礎的薄弱,反而會成為優勢,因為這意味著中國的歷史包 袱比他們更輕。此外,我國在內燃機汽車技術上距國際先進水平有近 20 年的差距, 但在電動汽車方面則全然不同,差距僅有 5 年,在某些技術上甚至還具有局部優勢。

         試想,當國內的國民使用車制造專家們:奇瑞、吉利、比亞迪、長安、哈飛、 夏利等汽車制造廠都開始批量生產電動汽車的時候,價格便宜、使用成本低、家用 插座就可以充電、而且環保的電動汽車,必將滿大街都是,中國汽車跑遍全世界的 夢想也會因此實現。而汽車也不再是奢侈品,而是老百姓都買得起、用得起的家用 電器。

         本文基于在對傳統汽車主減速器設計的基礎上分析并設計其電動轎車的主減 速器。



      Abstract:Motor vehicles as a result of the traditional energy and environmental issues become increasingly prominent, and cars are an important means of transport in modern society, providing a convenient and comfortable travel services, vehicle fuel, however the traditional process in the use of a large amount of harmful emissions, and aggravated of non-renewable resources, dependence on oil. Eco-car industry, there would be no future for electric vehicles with its clean and use the advantages of renewable energy sources, making electric vehicles for research, commercialization and industrialization is increasingly important role. Drive systems for electric vehicles as an important system for the transmission efficiency of the energy consumption of electric vehicles have an important economic impact.

         The development of internal combustion engines, and today is already quite mature, which means that it has a mature system, standards and processes. China's automobile industry, the high threshold. From an economic perspective, the domestic automobile enterprises in the traditional high-end automotive technology, with its huge R & D investment as a direct purchase, but it is always difficult to shake off the others behind with the situation.

      The industry have pointed out that in order to fundamentally solve the problem of the rise of China's automobile industry, a strong promotion of the development of electric vehicles is a way out had to go. The reason is that the automobile industry vis-à-vis developed countries, China's current weaknesses - based on traditional internal combustion engine technology is weak, it will be advantage, because it means that China's historical burden lighter than they are. In addition, the internal combustion engine of our car from the international advanced technical level of the gap over the past 20 years, but electric vehicles in a completely different side, the gap is only 5 years, even in some technology also has the local advantage.

         Just imagine, when the domestic car manufacturers to use the national experts: Chery, Geely, BYD, Chang'an, Hafei, Xiali, such as automobile factory started mass production of electric vehicles, the prices cheap, the use of low cost outlet for Home can charge, and environmentally-friendly electric vehicles will be filled, the Chinese car traveled all over the world will also achieve the dream. The car is no longer a luxury, but ordinary people can afford, affordable household appliances.

         This paper, based on the design of the traditional vehicle final drive, is analyzing and designing the final drive of vehicle car.

      Keyword: electric vehicles, status quo, final drive, application

      上傳會員 julu1004 對本文的描述:本課題的設計思路可分為以下幾點:首先選擇初始方案,選擇一款電動轎車作 為初型,采用后橋驅動,所以設計的主減速器的結構需要符合轎車的結構要求;接 著選擇各部件的結構形式......
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