

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:julu1004 更新時間:2014-05-09
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      摘要:傳統汽車排放造成的大氣污染和地球的溫室效應,是環境污染的重要源頭。當代 融合多種高新技術而興起的純電動汽車、混合電動汽車、燃料電池汽車,尤其是立足 于氫能基礎上的燃料電池汽車正在引發世界汽車工業的一場革命,展現了汽車工業新 能源、新動力發展的光明前景。

         電動汽車具有無排放污染、噪聲低、易于操縱、維修及運行成本低等優點,在環 保和節能上具有不可比擬的優勢,它是解決人類巨大能源和環境壓力的最有效途徑。 因此,電動汽車是 21  世紀汽車的發展方向,國內外科研人員研制了許多電動汽車用電 池。

         電池作為電動車的關鍵支持技術,其重要性是不可質疑的。從鉛酸電池、鎳鎘電 池到鎳氫電池、鋰離子電池和燃料電池,發展到今天,其技術已經到了一定的瓶頸。 而電動車需要大容量、循環壽命長的需求促使其在現有技術的基礎上,在其他方面上 探討研究,如串、并聯方式,不同類型電池的混合,電池組的封裝等方面進行探討, 以需求突破。

         本文的研究目的就是研究現有電池組的封裝設計,分析其中的優點和缺點,在這 個基礎上繼續探討、深化研究,以求尋找到一個新的方案,解決現有電池組封裝設計 的不足之處,推動電池業的發展,使電動汽車發展到一個更高的水平。



      Abstract:Air pollution caused by traditional vehicle emissions and the Earth's greenhouse effect, is an important source of environmental pollution. Integration of a variety of contemporary high-tech and the rise of pure electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, in particular based on the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle based on the auto industry is causing a revolution in the world, demonstrated the new energy automotive industry, new impetus to the development of a bright future.

         Electric cars have no emissions of pollution, low noise, easy manipulation, maintenance and operation and low cost, in environmental protection and energy conservation with incomparable advantages, it is great to solve the energy and the environment of human pressure on the most effective way. Therefore, the electric car is the car's development in the 21st century, researchers developed a number of domestic and international electric vehicle batteries.

         Battery electric vehicles as the key enabling technologies, and their importance is questionable. From lead-acid batteries, nickel cadmium batteries to nickel-hydrogen batteries, lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells, to today, its technology has reached a certain bottlenecks. The electric cars need high-capacity, long cycle life of the needs to promote its existing technology based on research in other aspects of study, such as series and parallel way, different types of hybrid battery, the battery pack and other aspects of packaging, demand breakthrough.

         Purpose of this study is to examine the existing cell group package design, analyze the advantages and disadvantages, on this basis, to continue to explore and deepen research, in order to find a new program to address the existing set package Deficiencies of Department, to promote the battery industry to develop electric vehicles to a higher level.

      Key words: electric vehicles, battery technology, batteries, packaging design

      上傳會員 julu1004 對本文的描述:當前,國際金融危機不斷蔓延,各國汽車企業的發展都受到很大影響,企業生存 面臨著極大挑戰。針對這一形勢,按照國務院指示,國家發展改革委組織制定了《汽車工業調整和振興規......
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