

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:julu1004 更新時間:2014-05-09
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      摘要:汽車儀表是駕駛員與汽車進行信息交流的重要接口界面,油量顯示作為其中一項 主要的參數,對汽車的安全與經濟行駛起著重要的作用。傳統的汽車油量檢測系統由 滑動變阻器和機械式指針儀表組成,自汽車發明以來就沿用至今,傳統機械式油量檢 測系統存在的精度差、易損壞的缺點一直未能改進,如今越來越無法滿足使用的需要, 隨著汽車的電子化、智能化、網絡化的發展,特別是計算機和通訊技術的廣泛應用, 以嵌入式微處理器為核心的智能化數字式油量表將是汽車儀表發展的必然趨勢。

         本文提到的基于單片機的汽車燃油檢測系統的設計,著重研究單片機的控制原 理,利用單片機高速、可靠、價廉的特點,針對我國目前普遍使用機械式油量檢測系 統的現狀,尋求一種低成本、高可靠性、采用以嵌入式微處理器為核心的智能數字式 汽車油量檢測系統的解決方案,不僅能很好地克服了機械式油量檢測系統的無法回避 的缺點,而且具有結構簡單、可靠耐用、實時性好、外形美觀好等優點。



      Abstract:Auto Meter is an important information exchange interface between the driver and the vehicle. The oil show, as one of the major parameters plays an important role of the security and the economic driving. The traditional vehicle fuel detection system consists of sliding rheostat and pointer instrument mechanical. So far, the traditional mechanical vehicle fuel detection is still used from the invention of the automobile. Even though there is a poor precision and easy attaint faults which have been unable to improve. Now it can't satisfy the need to use .With the development of the automobile electronization, intellectualization, and networking, the traditional fuel detection system can not meet the needs  of  growing,  especially in  the  widely  use  of  the  computers  and  communication technology. So, the intelligent digital fuel gauge which is used the embedded microprocessor as the core will be the development trend of automobile

         This article mentions the design of vehicle fuel detection system which is based on the single chip and focuses on the measurement and display of the fuel level. On account of the  status  of  the  current  widespread  use  of  the  mechanical  oil  quantity  detection system ,taking advantages of traits of the singlechip, such as high-speed, reliable, and cheap, seeking a low-cost, high reliability, and the solution of the intelligent digital automotive oil quantity detection system which is used the embedded microprocessor as the core ,those are not only overcome inevitable drawbacks of the mechanical oil quantity detection  systems,  but  also  have  many  advantages  such  as a simple  structure,  the credibility and duration ,a real-time, and a good appearance and so forth.

      Keyword: Single chip ,vehicle fuel detection system ,design

      上傳會員 julu1004 對本文的描述:目前在大多數轎車上仍使用傳統的汽車油量檢測系統,汽車儀表內的燃油表為三 刻度式儀表,這種燃油油量檢測系統受到油量傳感器和儀表的限制,駕駛人員只能定 性地了解油箱內剩余......
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