

      資料分類:工業大學 上傳會員:小婷 更新時間:2014-06-04
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      摘 要:本設計要求建年產量為150萬噸的高爐煉鐵車間。設計中對高爐車間的七大系統:即高爐本體系統、上料系統、渣鐵處理系統、噴吹系統、送風系統、除塵系統和冷卻系統都做了相關敘述。并且對廠址選擇和車間布置也做了總體設計。本設計的主要內容還包括高爐爐型尺寸計算、工藝計算(包括配料計算、物料平衡和熱平衡計算)。




      ABSTRACT:This design required annual for 1.5 million tons of production building blast furnace ironmaking workshop. Bf: namely, that the seven system workshop of blast furnace body system, feeding system and slag iron processing systems, injection system, air distribution system, dusting system and cooling systems are made relevant narrative. And the site selection and workshop layout also should make overall design. The design of the main contents include equipment type, size calculation, process calculation (including ingredients calculation, material balance and thermal equilibrium calculation) and production capacity calculation.

      Blast furnace ironmaking is the main means to obtain pig iron and steel metallurgical process, is one of the most important link in national economic construction and plays an important role. The main equipment of blast furnace ironmaking is, in line with high quality, high output, low cost and environmental pollution, the policy design and build small with an annual output of 1.5 million tons of blast furnace ironmaking workshop. Design of blast furnace seat number is 2 selected per seat, the volume of 1029.2 sockets for blast furnace. Blast furnace adopts the whole cooling stave, one ZhuanBi thin-walled lining, copper cooling stave, total water softener closed loop cooling system, pwi string of tank top, no bells internal-combustion type hot air stove, all dry type bag dust removal and so on a series of advanced practical technology. Meanwhile, the design with some of the domestic and international similar blast furnace advanced production experience and related data, and strive to make the design of blast furnace is accomplished reasonable, longevity, practical, in order to achieve the optimal production efficiency.

      Keywords: ironmaking;ironmaking calculation;blast furnace design

      上傳會員 小婷 對本文的描述:從目前的我國的實際情況來看,高爐座數必須大大減少,平均爐容大型化是必然趨勢。高爐大型化,有利于提高勞動生產率、便于生產組織和管理,提高鐵水質量,有利于減少熱量損失......
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