

      資料分類:經濟學院 上傳會員:jj.luck 更新時間:2014-05-13
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      關鍵詞:商業銀行  內部控制  問題與對策


      Abstract: Internal control refers to the organization to improve the possibility of achieving goals and organization, constraints, assessment and regulation of enterprises in the various activities of a series of measures, process and mechanism. A sound and effective internal control of commercial banks, is safe and orderly operation of the premise and foundation of. The Commercial Bank of our country in this respect has just started, the internal control system is not perfect. Mainly displays in: the theoretical research lags behind, has not yet formed a theoretical system; internal control two key mechanisms -- power restriction mechanism and risk mechanism is far from perfection; the lack of independence of the audit institutions and so on. This article is from this point of view, put forward on the development of China's commercial banks internal control system views and ideas, for our country commercial bank's internal control construction provide reference.

      Key words: Commercial bank; Internal control; Problems and Countermeasures of

      上傳會員 jj.luck 對本文的描述:各商業銀行對分支機構的授權制度和客戶的授信制度已初步建立。在授權管理上,明確劃分各部門在各分支機構中的職責,并根據工作性質和工作職責授予相應的權限,規范了經營行為......
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