

      資料分類:理工論文 上傳會員:白色球鞋 更新時間:2014-04-10
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      關鍵字:數學; 股票; 指數; 方法


      Abstract:Mathematics and life, especially in economic life, are inextricably linked.In our daily life, mathematics is no longer a simple as a count or statistics, but also commonly used in the economic life decision-making.For example, the stock market, stocks requires not only a shrewd economic sense and good psychological quality, but require a certain amount of mathematical knowledge, analysis, synthesis, reasoning, calculation  and  decision-making, mathematics all the time to show it in the stock market . This paper use the related mathematical knowledge, combined with examples to analyzes the three common stock index calculation method in stock market, and help people better understanding and using the stock index in the investment in life .

      Key words:mathematics; stock ; index; method

      上傳會員 白色球鞋 對本文的描述:本文從介紹當今主要的股票指數計算方法出發,對比分析各種計算方法的優缺點,研究如何運用數學方法更加準確的計算出股票指數,進而反映市場股價總水平變動,為投資者進一步認......
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