

      資料分類:理工論文 上傳會員:sana0722 更新時間:2014-06-10
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      摘要:建立了用配有氮磷檢測器( NPD) 的氣相色譜儀測定茯苓中敵敵畏、甲胺磷、樂果、對硫磷、辛硫磷5種農藥殘留量同時測定的方法。實驗中采用超聲波輔助混合溶劑提取,弗羅里硅土柱凈化,濃縮,丙酮定容,用氣相色譜-NPD檢測器測定,峰面積外標法定量。結果顯示有機磷標準品混標在0.005-1.0ug/mL的濃度范圍內線性良好,在0.5、0.1、0.05ug/mL三個添加水平回收率分別為90.5%~105.3%,91.7%~01.7和84.1%~91.0%,相對標準偏差為1.47%~7.31%,3.11%~8.17%和4.68%~6.37%。實驗結果表明,該方法各項指標均滿足國內有機磷農藥殘留的檢測要求。



      ABSTRACT:A combined method for the determination of Dichlorvos,Methamidophos,Dimethoate, Parathion,Phoxim etc 5 Pesticide Residues. During the experiment,we use Ultrasonic assist Mixed solvent to Extract and Florisil column to Purification and Concentrate, Acetone to Constant volume, and also use gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detector  to Determinate combine with External standard method to quantitative. The results show that Organic phosphorus standard as Mixed standard its Concentration is good linearity around from 0.005 to 1.0ug/mL , and the sample that Concentration were 0.5,0.1 and 0.05 ug/mL that add The level of recovery were 90.5%-105.3%,91.7%~101.7 %and 84.1%~91.0%,the relative standard deviation were 1.47%~7.31%,3.11%~8.17% and 4.68%~6.37%.The experiment results show that the Indicators of this method are meet the national testing requirements on Organophosphorus pesticide residues.

      Keywords: organophosphorus pesticide residues ; poria cocos ; gas chromatography

      上傳會員 sana0722 對本文的描述:本方案以茯苓為研究材料,先通過單因素實驗研究有機磷農藥殘留的提取、凈化條件,以期對其中殘留的有機磷農藥進行最大限度分離富集,盡可能地排除干擾雜質,再通過氣相色譜對......
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