

      資料分類:外語學習 上傳會員:隨心所欲 更新時間:2014-03-18
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      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:8432
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      關鍵詞:廣告英語; 雙關語; 翻譯


      Abstract:Advertisements use the simplest language to express the most complex meanings. The charm of language can have a full play in the advertisements. The purpose of advertisements is to impress people and stimulate people’s desire for shopping. Each word and sentence should be able to give full play to its "charm" and the product should be able to achieve the business purpose. The puns are useful techniques which can express double meanings, both get people’s attention and lead them fall into imagination in a certain language situation. The skillful use of puns makes advertising language simple, humorous and vivid. Therefore, punning is one of the most frequently used ways in advertising. This paper explores punning and translation of puns in English advertisements. It deals with various ways to form puns, and the techniques of translating puns in advertisements.

      Key words: Adevertising English;pun; translation

      上傳會員 隨心所欲 對本文的描述:英語廣告中有四種雙關語,分別是諧音雙關、語義雙關、詞性雙關和仿擬雙關。雙關語有的是利用重復一個詞的不同意義明確表示出來,有的則不重復,需要讀者自己去分析決定詞的意......
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