

      資料分類:外語學習 上傳會員:小6 更新時間:2013-06-18
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      摘  要






         Bi Ye, who had devoted himself to literature writing for 73 years, was a contemporary writer and prose writer from Da Bu County in Guangdong Province. From the same place as Bi Ye, the translator feels very proud of him. After deep understanding about Bi Ye, the translator found out that he had made great contributions to literature and culture. Unfortunately, not so many people know about him, especially foreign readers. In order to promote Guangdong culture and Guangdong celebrities to more readers, the translator tired to translate Bi Ye’s biographical introduction into English, with the hope that Bi Ye could be known by more people. 

         This paper is to translate the biographical sketch of a Culture Celebrity from Guangdong--Bi Ye and to introduce him to the readers abroad. After the edition of Bi Ye’s biography, the translator started to translate it. During the translation process, the translator analyses the translation and discusses translation methods as well as examples in the paper. In the end, the translator talks about a reflection of the whole translation process, and the difficulties encountered. 

      Key words: Bi Ye; biography; translation methods


      上傳會員 小6 對本文的描述:本文是一篇關于廣東文化名人碧野的傳記,在經過對文本的編輯后就著手翻譯編輯的文本。在翻譯的過程中,列舉和分析了文中的翻譯例句,進一步探討在翻譯過程中所采用的翻譯方法......
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