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摘要:文化是人類社會賴以生存和發展的基礎, 語言是構成文化系統的重要因素之一。英漢兩種語言都是色彩名稱豐富的語言。然而,由于歷史背景、文化傳統、宗教信仰、價值觀念等方面的差異,同一顏色詞在兩種不同的語言中的含義有相似之處,也存在著差異。隨著經濟全球化的不斷發展, 商務活動越來越頻繁,人們也越來越多地認識到具有深刻文化內涵的顏色詞不可避免地成為商務活動交往的一個障礙。本文通過分析英漢語言中顏色詞的不同文化內涵及造成差異的原因,探討其在商務語境中的運用,提出在跨文化商務活動中要正確理解和恰當使用顏色詞,以避免文化差異帶來的文化沖突和經濟利益的損失;另外,通過對此問題的研究以促進人們對于文化差異的尊重與理解,從而有利于國際間商務活動的交流與合作。 關鍵詞:顏色詞;文化內涵;商務活動
Abstract:Culture is the foundation of the existence and development of human society. Language is one important aspects of the culture. Both English and Chinese are the languages full of color description. However, owing to historical background, cultural tradition and religious beliefs, and values, the same color words in two different languages have similarities to the meaning but more differences. With the continuous development of economic globalization, business activities become more frequent, and people also increasingly realize that profound cultural connotation color words inevitably become an obstacle to business contacts. By analyzing the cultural connotation of color words in English and Chinese and the reasons caused by cultural shock, this paper puts forward that it is extremely significant to correctly use the color words in the cross-culture business in preventing cultural conflict and economic losses. On the other hand, it is hoped that people from different culture can reach the mutual respect and understanding by further study of this subject, which helps to improve the international business cooperation and exchange. Key words; color words ; cultural connotation; business activities |