

      資料分類:教育理論 上傳會員:小天天 更新時間:2015-06-02
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      關鍵詞:數形結合     中學數學      探析     運用


      【Summary】: Several shapes combinations, From the literal meaning to say, That the image of abstract thinking and thinking interaction , achieving the quantitative relationship with the graphic nature of the transformation.The number of abstract relations and visual graphics combine research, is an important mathematical thinking and problem solving A double-edged benefit "sword." Only in the process of learning slowly to train combining numbers with shapes thinking, We were in the process of problem solving can be a positive and effective application of it, seemingly insoluble problems simplistic, clearer people "across the industry, we." 

      【Keyword】: Several shapes combinations    High school mathematics      Discussion  and analysis     Usage



      上傳會員 小天天 對本文的描述:眾所周知,數與形是數學的兩塊基石,可以說全部數學大體上都是圍繞這兩個基本概念,數形結合是貫穿于數學發展歷史長河的一條主線,早在幾千年前,數學家們就知到直角三角形三......
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