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摘要:數形結合,從字面意思說來,就是代數與幾何相結合的關系,即抽象思維與形象思維的相互作用,實現數量關系與圖形性質的相互轉化。將抽象的數量關系與直觀的圖形結合起來研究,是一種重要的數學思想和一柄雙刃的解題利“劍”。只有在學習過程中慢慢地培養數形結合思想,我們在解題過程中才能積極而有效地應用它,把看似無法解決的問題簡單化、明朗化,讓人有“山窮水盡疑無路,柳暗花明又一村”的感覺。 關鍵詞:數形結合 中學數學 探析 運用
【Summary】: Several shapes combinations, From the literal meaning to say, That the image of abstract thinking and thinking interaction , achieving the quantitative relationship with the graphic nature of the transformation.The number of abstract relations and visual graphics combine research, is an important mathematical thinking and problem solving A double-edged benefit "sword." Only in the process of learning slowly to train combining numbers with shapes thinking, We were in the process of problem solving can be a positive and effective application of it, seemingly insoluble problems simplistic, clearer people "across the industry, we." 【Keyword】: Several shapes combinations High school mathematics Discussion and analysis Usage
數學的主要研究對象是現實世界的空間形式和數量關系的科學(恩格斯語)。從而就注定了數學中數與形的矛盾統一關系,數形結合思想應運而生。著名數學家拉格朗日指出:代數與幾何在各自的道路上前進時,它們的進展是緩慢的,應用也很有限,但當這兩門學科結合起來后,它們各自從對方汲取新鮮的活力,從此,便以很快的速度向著完美的境地飛跑。 |