

      資料分類:小學教育 上傳會員:我的美女老師 更新時間:2013-10-24
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         研究者在已有理論的基礎上,通過對三所小學教師進行問卷調查等方式了解教師工作滿意度情況,影響教師滿意度的因素有很多,研究者通過8個維度領導管理、工作報酬、工作環境、工作壓力、人際關系、自我實現、社會地位以及學生本身來對教師滿意度進行研究分析。研究發現小學教師整體滿意度處于中等程度,并且男教師、已婚教師比女教師、未婚教師對工作更加不滿意,而且隨著年齡的增長,其滿意度呈現逐漸上升的趨勢。根據這樣的情況進行分析總結,結合小學教師的群體特殊性,從社會、學校和教師自身的三方面提出提高教師工作滿意度的對策建議。社會方面要切實提高教師的社會地位 、努力提高工資待遇和正確認識教師形象的對策;學校方面要改善教師工作條件、減輕教師工作壓力、提供教師繼續學習與進修的機會和建立“以人為本”的教師管理激勵體系的建議;教師層面要規劃和管理好時間、調節自身心態和做好應對準備的對策。 



      Abstract:Along with our country national strength, the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to education. The teacher is one of the important factors in the development of educational undertakings, so the teacher attention degree is more and more high. The teachers on their work or not is very important, affects the teacher's work efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, research on Teachers' job satisfaction, not only can improve the teacher's performance, but also to facilitate the school management.

         Judging from the current studies, most researchers have focused on the perspective of rural primary school, more theoretical research, survey report less. And this study combined with the city, township, rural three areas were investigated in primary school.

         The study on the basis of the existing theory, to understand the teachers' job satisfaction through the questionnaire on three primary school teachers, there are many factors that influence teachers' satisfaction, this research carries on the analysis to the satisfaction of the teacher by the 8 dimensions of leadership and management, work remuneration, working environment, work pressure, interpersonal relationship, self-realization, social status and the students themselves. The study found the overall satisfaction of primary school teachers in the middle level, and the male teachers, married teachers than female teachers, unmarried teachers to work more dissatisfied, and with the increase of age, their satisfaction showed a gradual upward trend. Analyzed and summarized according to this situation, combined with the special group of primary school teachers, from the three aspects of society, school and teachers put forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve teachers' job satisfaction. The social aspect to improve the social status of teachers, to improve the Countermeasures of wages and the correct understanding of the image of teachers; the school should improve the teachers' working conditions, reduce the working pressure of teachers, teachers to continue learning and learning opportunities and the establishment of teachers "people-oriented management" incentive system is proposed; the level of teachers to plan and manage time adjust their mentality, and make countermeasures.

      Keywords: Primary school teachers  job satisfaction  present situation  Countermeasures




      上傳會員 我的美女老師 對本文的描述:研究者在已有理論的基礎上,通過對三所小學教師進行問卷調查等方式了解教師工作滿意度情況,影響教師滿意度的因素有很多,研究者通過8個維度領導管理、工作報酬、工作環境、工......
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