

      資料分類:小學教育 上傳會員:沒有人懂我 更新時間:2014-01-04
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      [摘要]  本研究主要探索留守兒童與非留守兒童的自我概念是否存在差異以及差異是否達到顯著性水平.運用由Song和Hattie(1984)編制,周國韜、賀嶺峰(1996)修訂的自我概念量表,分別對高郵市小學4-6年級共計188名留守兒童和非留守兒童進行測試,用SPSS11.5對數據進行處理,得出結論:①小學4-6年級的留守兒童的自我概念在能力、成就、班級、家庭、同伴、身體、自信、學業、非學業自我以及自我概念的總分上都顯著低于非留守兒童。②從不同性別比較看,留守男童在自我概念各維度上均低于非留守男童,除家庭自我維度外其他維度的差異均達到顯著水平;留守女童在自我概念各維度上均低于非留守女童,家庭、同伴和非學業自我上兩者差異達到顯著水平。③從不同年級比較看,小學四年級的留守兒童在自我概念的各維度上均低于非留守兒童,但只在家庭、身體、非學業自我以及自我概念總分上兩者差異達到顯著水平;六年級的留守兒童在自我概念的各維度上均低于非留守兒童,成就、同伴、學業、非學業自我以及自我概念總分上兩者差異達到顯著水平;五年級的留守兒童在自我概念的各維度上均低于非留守兒童,但兩者差異未達到顯著水平。④留守兒童的自我概念不存在顯著的性別和年級差異。⑤父母一方與雙方外出的留守兒童的自我概念在家庭自我維度上有極其顯著的差異。

      [關鍵詞]  小學;留守兒童;自我概念


      [Abstract]  It’s self-concept differences and whether significant differences existed between left-behind children and unleft-behind children that study focused on. Research tested 200 left-behind children and unleft-behind children from Grade 4 to 6 in Gaoyou City on the basis of Tennessee Self Concept Scale which was established by Song and Hattie, and revised by Guotao Zhou and Lingfeng He. The conclusions obtained from SPSS11.5 data analysis are showed as following: 1. Left-behind children from Grade 4 to 6 have significant self-concept differences compared with unleft-behind children in capacity, achievement, class, family, companion, health, self-confidence , academic and non-academic self and self-concept total points. 2. Focusing on two genders, we found left-children have lower self-concept than unleft-children in all dimensions no matter boys or girls. The significant differences appeared almost all dimensions except family self in boy group, while family , companion and non-academic self achieved significant differences among girls. 3. The fourth grade left-children get lower self-concept scores in all dimensions and show significant differences in family-self, health-self, non-academic self. The sixth grade left-behind children get lower self-concept scores in all dimensions and show significant differences in achievement self, companion self, academic self, non-academic self and self-concept total points. The fifth grade get lower self-concept scores in all dimensions but have no any significant differences. 4. There are no significant self-concept differences in both gender and grade levels among left-children. 5. Left-children have significant self-concept difference in family-self on account of whether their parents are both migrant workers or one parent is migrant worker. 

      [Key words]  Primary ; Left-behind Children; Self-concept

      上傳會員 沒有人懂我 對本文的描述:本研究主要探索留守兒童與非留守兒童的自我概念是否存在差異以及差異是否達到顯著性水平.分別對高郵市小學4-6年級共計188名留守兒童和非留守兒童進行測試,用SPSS11.5對數據進行處......
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