

      資料分類:小學教育 上傳會員:了不起的蓋茨比 更新時間:2013-09-01
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      ABSTRACT:For children's education, parents and teachers always were two major forces and when their education power consistent, to the children's growth, the influence of growth is the largest. Along with the development of the society, many parents to the child think much but can’t make every effort to do. We know that a child's growth is the need to all kinds of groups of close contact and coordinate do. "The little table" is complied with the needs of the development of the society and appears, it is benign "social filler". But now have a lot negative news reports about the “little table", let us has a lot of misunderstanding for it. This article mainly studies the relationship about small table,children, the parents and schools, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages from it, let us get more clear understanding that the " little table’s fornation and development is the third important strength for pupils’healthy.Through visit same little tables. And access relevant literature material. Combining theory with practice, this paper can give parents some references and suggestions how to choose "small table”. Also called on related departments strengthening the supervision the "little table" and make it better service for children, for parents, for the society.

      Keywords: the little table;pupils;parents;the school;growth environment


      上傳會員 了不起的蓋茨比 對本文的描述:并查閱相關文獻資料,從實際出發,給家長一些選擇“小飯桌”的參考和建議,同時呼吁相關部門對處于監管“真空”的“小飯桌”實施有效監管,使之能更好地為孩子服務、為家長服......
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