

      資料分類:小學教育 上傳會員:園丁小瞳 更新時間:2013-09-22
      需要金幣1000 個金幣 資料包括:完整論文 下載論文
      轉換比率:金額 X 10=金幣數量, 例100元=1000金幣 論文字數:19184
      折扣與優惠:團購最低可5折優惠 - 了解詳情 論文格式:Word格式(*.doc)


      關鍵詞: 不同年資,小學教師,專業發展,理解差異


      Abstract:The thesis is based on the analysis of literature research, interviews and inquiries. By means of carrying out a research on the development of the teaching profession among elementary teachers with varied seniorities, the writer obtains the result that the teacher's opinions about their professional development vary in the following aspects.  

      Firstly, the understanding of the professional development itself: teachers with less teaching experience, lower education background and titles tend to identify the professional development on the present stage with the improvement of teaching skills, while the seniorities pay much attention to the intellectual and ideogenetic development. Secondly, the perceiving aspect in seeking effective approaches to develop professions: senior teachers approve the importance of introspection in the development of teaching profession, but those young teachers with low titles consider that consulting the masters is effective and efficient in promoting their professional development. Thirdly, the causes that block the professional development: along with the increasing of teaching experience, subjective endeavor is regarded as the major push forward in developing the teaching profession. 

      This thesis provides several suggestions in four aspects as follows. First, teachers should be guided to have an all-around understanding of "Teacher’s professional Development". Next, teachers should be trained according to the degrees of seniority. Besides, the management of school should be combined with teacher’s autonomous development. Last but not the least, students’ all-sided developments should have a close integration with teacher’s professional development.

      Key words: varied seniority, elementary teacher,professional development,  different  understanding




      上傳會員 園丁小瞳 對本文的描述:教師專業發展已然成為教育事業的必然發展趨勢,小學教育作為基礎教育的基石,它的重要作業更是不言而喻的。因此教師的專業發展也成為學校教育中不可忽視的重要環節。通過實證......
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