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摘要:理答行為存在于每一個課堂之中,恰當的理答行為有助于提高教學效率、促進學生思維、個性健康發展、融洽師生關系?,F今對理答行為的研究已經頗為豐富,但多屬于理論建構,在實證研究方面仍存在很大的空白。本文選取了兩類有代表性的教師:專家型教師和新教師,觀察記錄六種不同情況下教師的理答行為:1、學生回答出標準答案;2、學生答不全面;3、學生回答錯誤或者答不出問題;4、一個學生回答,其余學生插嘴;5、學生回答內容為下個教學環節內容;6、學生所說內容教師無法直接判斷正誤。通過比較分析,提出了新教師理答行為存在的不足:評價觀念淡薄、語言籠統、評價主體單一、重結果輕過程以及情感匱乏。由此提出改善建議:加深對教材與學生的理解;提高教師理答素養;評價語的情感性、針對性;新教師與專家型教師互相觀摩學習。 關鍵詞:專家型教師;新教師;理答行為
Abstract:Teacher’s rational response exists in every class. A correct response can highly improve teaching efficiency, promote the development of thinking and personality,and close the distance between the teachers and students. Nowadays there are lots of researches for this, but most of them are theory buildings and left much blank spots on empirical research. This article chooses two representative teachers, new teachers and expert teachers. Observing and recording six kinds of teacher’s rational response to students. 1. When the student gives the right answer. 2. When the student gives less integrity answer. 3. When the student gives wrong answer or can’t give any answer. 4. When one student answers question, the other students strike in. 5. The student gives an answer that teacher will teach in the next stage. 6. When the student gives an answer that teacher can’t judge. By comparison, we know that new teachers are lacking in evaluation concept, language is fuzzy, evaluators are single, focus on the result and disregard of process, emotional poverty. I suggest that new teachers should deepen understand teaching material and the students, improve the skill of rational response, estimate language should be more pertinence and sentiment, new teachers and expert teachers can learn from each other. Key Words: expert teachers; new teachers; teacher’s rational response